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Proiectul “Inclusiv - Rețea de centre suport pentru integrarea persoanelor ..."

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Welcome to F.D.A.A.M. (Fundatia Pentru Dezvoltarea Asociatiilor de Ajutor Mutual)


Foundation for the Development of Associations of Mutual Help - F.D.A.A.M. – offers support for the improvement of health, in the benefit of all Romanian citizens, no matter the address, health condition or financial conditions.
The Foundation supports the start of health initiatives CLS’ses, ADAM’ses etc. in different locations in Romania. They will participate in the creating of communitarian strategies of health condition improvement  of Romanian citizens together with other factors involved in this field and will negotiate medical services (quality medical care  at an acceptable price) with providers of such services.

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InfoCom Sanatate

FDAAM in parteneriat cu C.A.R.P. “OMENIA” - Bucuresti si Asociatia Pensionarilor au placerea de a va invita la seria de intalniri informative, interesante si interactive, organizate pe teme de sanatate si de interes general pentru a discuta deschis despre temele propuse si ...

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Association -ADAM

An ADAM (Mutual Help Association) is a key element in the first line of health care services in a village, locality or a town. An ADAM is a social movement oriented towards the inhabitants of a village and which has an inclination for disfavored groups (sick persons, disabled persons, elders etc.)...ADAM is based on solidarity between groups and individuals in society...

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Health shop - new concept attached to the idea of ADAM

The Health Shop represent a new concept attached to the idea of ADAM. It is not just a shop, it is not a pharmacy either, it is a space opened to the needs of all people.The Health Shop brings health products at the lowest price related to good quality (best buy) of the market...

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Conferința „Proiectul Inclusiv la final” - 10.12.2015

Conferința „Proiectul Inclusiv la final” | București, 10.12.2015 PROIS-NV și partenerii săi în implementarea proiectului &bdqu...

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CIS București-Ilfov - Primul grup de Babysitter au inceput practica

  Centrul de Incluziune Socială din București-Ilfov, înființat în cadrul Proiectul „Inclusiv – Rețea de centre supor...

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IMPREUNA CU VOI, PENTRU VOI! Masa rotundaBucuresti - 28 Aprilie 2015     Pornind de la deviza “Investeste in oameni”, F...

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CIS Nord Est - florar decorator, grupa 1

Din data de 15 aprilie se deruleaza la sediul CIS Nord Est activitatile de instruire pentru calificarea florar decorator, grupa 1  

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Comunicat de presă post eveniment, masa rotundă „Principalele bariere ale grupurilor vulnerabile care le limitează accesul la educație si ocupare“

Comunicat de presă post eveniment Masa rotundă  -   „Principalele bariere ale grupurilor vulnerabile care le limitează accesu...

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